Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Blog Therapy 211: The Other Side of Crazy

So I was on the elevator this morning. Another guy, completely normal looking, regular attractive also got on with me. He looked a slightly disheveled, like maybe he was out the night before, or maybe it was the overall Hump Day worker bee syndrome. Either way, totally not the point. On the elevator, he was having this conversation with the other guy (whom I didn't mention due to lack of importance until this sentence) about his long night. Turns out, his girlfriend saw a moth at their apartment last night, and since she has OCD, they had to turn out the place like a pair of NARCS on an episode of COPS, looking for the source of the moth. After the Indiana Jones Quest of the Moth King, they have to turn around, and make the place all "spiffified".

It was at this point I realized, this chick is crazy! But the worst part, she has a man!!! A man who says, "yes, let's tear it all apart looking for a moth, and then, rearrange everything and whatever you want, because I love you, and I am dedicated". I just wanted to vomit.

Do I need to develop a neurotic personality? Maybe I need to be a high maintenance super BIATCH, because clearly, being low maintenance and real, and fun is just not cutting it at all.

I guess sometimes I get so frustrated at how unfair life can be. Why is it that the most dysfunctional, or needy women seem to find these knights who want nothing more than to whisk them away, fully commit, and marry them?? I don't even know what to think anymore. I am completely thrown. Men truly baffle me, and I may just be done with them. Lord knows, the good ones have seemed to be done with me for as long as I can remember.
Um, so as I type this, I am begrudgingly watching "Lipstuck Jungle", since the much more stylish and clever and sassy "Cashmere Mafia" was cancelled, and I don't know what city this show is set. Yes, I know, it's supposed to be NYC, but, um...who are these men? Where are they? Someone show me the part of the city where about 12 hot shirtless, single guys play basketball... Where are all these fabulous, successful, vanilla people? I guess they're living in an area of gotham that is outside my paygrade.

This show is pretty over-the-top and ridiculous, but being that I'm all on my own now, and life is sad and lonely, and it's just 'lil 'ol me and the cat (who is also completely uninterested in this goop, sprawled out on the foot of my bed), this is what I have to look forward to every night. Ah well...that's life I guess.

So my recommendation is to stay away from "Lipstick Jungle", unless, like me, you've had your heart ripped out of your chest and kicked around like David Beckham with a hacky sack. If that is the case, then saddle up for some of the most unrealistic, drivel ever, where great men are everywhere, and they can't wait to hook up with these women who, of course, never seem to have a shortage of wonderful adventures and available suitors. Ugh...sometimes I seriously hate TV. I should totally stick to "Heroes" and the whole end of the world scenarios.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I tried to post this yesterday, but it didn't make it somehow. Since you are on the same BULLSHIT you were on today as yesterday, let me try again. What I remember of what I wrote goes something like this.

I hate to be the one to tell you this, but LEOS do not sulk over NO ONE. There is always someone or something more beautiful waiting to love us in all of our beautiful spendor.

When I first met you on the job about two and half years ago, I had just broken up with the woman I intended to marry and it was a five year relationship. Could you tell, I DON'T THINK SO!

About the guy, you called your knight in shinning armor who broke your heart; he was a regular white guy (no style, no swagger) - not a Jeremy Pivens, not a Brad Pitt. I also think he was Jewish and Jewish people don't play that race mixing shit. Even if he wasn't Jewish, he was not the type of guy to have the balls to take you home and say, "Look Whose Comin To Dinner", this is a Beautiful Black woman, we are dating and it could get really serious. In fact, you are gonna be hard pressed to find a white man to do that.

At least from reading your blog yesterday, I know you are not all the way gone to the White side, though from the comment about the Vanilla people in gotham, I don't know. I would truly like to think you are an open minded person about dating outside your race.

I was in love with a white girl once in the 12th grade. It was my first real love, in fact, I never felt anything like it since, that was 18 yrs ago. I think of dating outside my race again but it seems no matter how sexy and confident I think I am, the white girls at work ignore me, and the white women on the streets, barnes & noble, whole foods glace my way then quickly avert their eyes like they'd seen a ghost. These people's grand parents and parents train them to stay away from us.

With that, You know you are a Beautiful Black Woman - It is a LEOS nature to think highly of themselves, just like I know I am a Beautiful Black Man and I know someone, hopefully a Black Woman will scoop me up and love all of me. Someone, I really don't care what race they are, but I'm sayin doe, will love you as well.

Now stay sexy and that man will come and get you.

What I'm All About Right Now

  • Go Cowboys!! - Every Sunday...I'll be at the bar!
  • Fall TV- Thank Heaven it's finally here...
  • There's so much to watch- I can't even start!